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Indoor cycling

​An indoor-cycling class that’s a fun, athletic workout. You’ll burn a ton of calories, get lean, increase lower-body strength and improve your cardiovascular endurance. Our cycling program includes endurance intervals, hills, strength and speed play. You will have a great ride no matter which class you step into! (45, 60 minute versions offered).

Reservations are required for all Balance Ride classes.

Balance Express Ride

​Looking to get some quality cardio on your lunch break? This is a 30 minute ride of interval zone training that is fast, fun and effective!

Balance Rhythm Ride

​Like a dance party on a bike. Balance Rhythm Ride is 45 minutes of seated and standing sprints, climbs, tap backs and jumps that will have you motivated to the music.

Balance Endurance Ride

​Whether you are preparing for a specific cycle or running race, or just want to increase your fitness level, this class is for you. 60-90 minutes of strict RPM targets throughout your ride will help you become a better endurance athlete and increase your overall fitness level.