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Corporate Wellness

Get Fit Together

Are you interested in an office with healthier, happier and more productive employees? How about saving money on insurance costs? Or maybe you, yourself, just want to save money on your monthly gym membership!

Balance Gym, recently named by Washington City Paper and the Washington Post Express as DC's Best Gym, prides itself on its unique facilities and classes, top-notch personal trainers, and its vision that fitness should be fun. Balance also strives to foster a well-rounded fitness community with hikes, biking trips, happy hours, sports teams and more.

A few facts:

A 2010 Harvard Business Review article found that wellness programs, of which fitness is a component, can return as much as six times their cost to the companies that sponsor them.

Another 2010 review by a separate team of Harvard researchers, published in the journal Health Affairs, concluded that “medical costs fall by about $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs and that absenteeism costs fall by about $2.73 for every dollar spent.

A 2005 study in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that employers who invest in worksite promotion programs can see a return of $3-$6 for ever dollar invested.

Corporate Options:

Balance Gym Corporate Membership Rates

Discounted membership rates are available for companies if 10 or more employees from your office are ready to get their fitness on at Balance Gym!

Balance Gym Corporate Wellness Program

We also a offer a full-scale corporate wellness program. This program includes health and wellness newsletters, monthly Balance Gym personal training and classes brought to your office, educational lunch-and-learn lecture series and corporate membership rates.

For more information about our corporate wellness options, please call (202) 730-0003 or e-mail