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Micha Shines


NASM-CPT, Lagree Fitness, Zumba, Spinning, American Tribal Style Bellydance

Gym Location

Micha Shines

“Be badass everyday.”

Micha is a NASM trainer with a degree in Psychology from the University of PA. She is also a certified Zumba instructor, professional salsa and tribal bellydancer, ultramarathoner, US Marine, and a mom of 4. Her love of sports and fitness began with stickball in the streets of Northeast Philly eventually leading her to play softball throughout grade school and high school before delving into martial arts, and later dance.

She owned and operated a dance and fitness studio in Westchester, NY for more than 10 years before moving to the DC area. Coaching and training others to success is her passion. Micha believes that teaching quality movement is at the core of any effective strength training and fitness program. Weight Loss and lifestyle management are her specialties. She is also currently pursuing her Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification.