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Rachel Garmon


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Rachel Garmon

"Fitness should be fun and exciting."

Whether new to exercise or a long time athlete, Rachel works with each client to develop the right path towards their goals. She is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. Rachel also holds a Level 1 Kettlebell Certification from the ISCA. Having worked with clients ranging from roller derby participants to seniors, she is well rounded in working with all types of ability levels.

Rachel believes that it is important to optimize the impact of each movement, maintain proper technique, and help clients reach their full potential through experience and enthusiasm. An avid runner herself, Rachel has completed numerous half-marathons and marathons, and she regularly integrates resistance training into her routines. From dancing to Olympic lifting, Rachel is constantly learning and exploring new fitness avenues to make fitness fun and exciting.